सीधे मुख्य सामग्री पर जाएं


Lorraine Jenks.


1. One hectare of hemp produces as much oxygen as 25 hectares of forest.

2. I repeat, 1 acre of hemp can produce the same amount of paper as 4 acres of trees.
(Correction offered by Catherine in Australia:

In a growing cycle of 90 days - One hectare of hemp sequesters as much carbon as a hectare of forest produces over 25 years.

Thank you.)

3. You can make paper from hemp 8 times and wood 3 times. 4. Hemp grows in 4 months, tree grows in 20-50 years.

5. Hemp flower is a real radiation trap. 
6 Hemp can be grown anywhere in the world and it requires very little water. In addition,
since it is able to protect against insects, it does not need pesticides.

7. If textiles made from hemp become. widespread, the pesticide industry could disappear completely.

8 The first jeans were made from hemp; even the word "CANVAS" is the name of hemp products.
Hemp is an ideal plant for making ropes,
cords, bags, shoes and hats.
9. Reducing the effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatment on cannabis, AIDS, and cancer; It has been used in at least 250 diseases such as rheumatism, heart, epilepsy, asthma, stomach, insomnia, psychology, and spinal diseases.
10 The protein value of hemp seed is very high and the two fatty acids contained cannot be found anywhere else in nature. 11. Producing hemp is even cheaper than soy. 12. Animals fed with cannabis do not need hormone replacements.
13 All plastic products can be made from hemp and hemp plastic is very easy to return to nature.
14. If the body of a car is made of hemp, it will be 10 times stronger than steel.
15. It can also be used for insulating buildings; durable, cheap and flexible.
16 Soaps and cosmetics made with hemp 
17. It do not contaminate the water; therefore it is completely environmentally friendly.
A 18. It was mandatory to produce in century America, and farmers who didn't produce were jailed. But now the tables have turned.
-W. R. In the 1900s, Hearst was owned by newspapers, magazines and the media in America. They had forests and produced paper. If the paper was made of hemp, it could have lost millions.
Rockefeller was the richest man in the world.
He owned an oil company. Of course, biofuel, hemp oil was its biggest enemy. -Mellon was a major shareholder in the Dupont Company and had a patent for the production of plastic from petroleum products. The cannabis industry threatened the market.
-He later became President Mellon Hoover's finance minister. All these big names we have talked about have decided at their meetings that Hemp is the enemy.
And has been eliminated.
Forests are cut down to produce paper.
Pesticide poisons and cancer cases are on the rise. Then we filled our world with plastic garbage,
harmful waste...

#cannabis #hemp #marijuana #dagga #textiles #organic #sustainable #hempcrete
#food #fodder


इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

भारतीयता और रोमांस (आसक्त प्रेम)

प्रेम विवाह 😂 कहां है प्रेम विवाह सनातन में? कृपया बताएं... जुलाई 14, 2019 रोमांस का अंग्रेजी तर्जुमा है - A feeling of excitement and mystery of love. This is some where near to lust. The indian Love one is with liabilities, sacrifices with feeling of care & love. The word excitement and mystery has not liabilities, sacrifices with feeling of care. प्रेम का अंग्रेज़ी तर्जुमा - An intense feeling of deep affection. मैंने एक फौरी अध्यन किया भारतीय पौराणिक इतिहास का ! बड़ा अजीब लगा - समझ में नहीं आया यह है क्या ? यह बिना रोमांस की परम्परायें जीवित कैसे थी आज तक ? और आज इनके कमजोर होने और रोमांस के प्रबल होने पर भी परिवार कैसे टूट रहे हैं ? भारतीय समाज में प्रेम का अभूतपूर्व स्थान है पर रोमांस का कोई स्थान नहीं रहा ? हरण और वरण की परंपरा रही पर परिवार छोड़ कर किसी से विवाह की परंपरा नहीं रही ! हरण की हुयी स्त्री उसके परिवार की हार का सूचक थी और वरण करती हुयी स्त्री खुद अपना वर चुनती थी पर कुछ शर्तो के साथ पूरे समाज की उपस्तिथि में ! रोमांस की कुछ घटनाएं कृष्ण के पौराणिक काल में सुनने म...

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